CW – Friday, September 23rd, 2016

Supplies: notebook, writing utensil, & BYOT

Daily Objective: LAFS.1112.RL.3.7: To learn how to understand and compose poetry.

Bell-Ringer: Free Write. 🙂


  1. Finish “Love Letter (Clouds)” Response Poem
  2. Turn in the final draft of your short story TODAY.
  3. Homecoming door decoration.
  4. Paint Creative Writing banner for Homecoming


  1. The final draft of your story is due TODAY AT MIDNIGHT.

E3H – Friday, September 23rd, 2016

Supplies: pen or pencil, bell-ringer paper, HMH textbook

Daily Objective: LAFS.1112.RL.3.7: Students will learn how to interpret the actions in a drama.

Bell-Ringer: Write two sentences. Each should use one of the following words correctly. When you finish, turn this week’s bell-ringers in. You should have sentences for 8 words. If you miss a day, you have to go to the website or ask a classmate for the words that you missed. The only exception is testing.

  • Pretense: an attempt to make something that is not the case appear true.
  • Grapple: engage in a close fight or struggle without weapons; wrestle.


  1. Act 2 Storyboards
  2. Finish and turn in: Vocab Packet 1
  3. Help with Homecoming Decorations
  4. Remind me to pass back papers.

Homework: Finish Act 2 Storyboards.

NOTE: If you are attending the in-school volleyball game on Monday, you will take the Act 2 Quiz on Tuesday, 9/27. Remember to keep up with the reading!

E3 – Friday, September 23rd, 2016

Supplies: pen or pencil, bell-ringer paper, HMH textbook

Daily Objective: LAFS.1112.RL.3.7: Students will learn how to interpret the actions in a drama.

Bell-Ringer: Write two sentences. Each should use one of the following words correctly. When you finish, turn this week’s bell-ringers in. You should have sentences for 8 words. If you miss a day, you have to go to the website or ask a classmate for the words that you missed. The only exception is testing.

  • Pretense: an attempt to make something that is not the case appear true.
  • Grapple: engage in a close fight or struggle without weapons; wrestle.


  1. Act 1 Quiz – You may use your textbook. Hand the quiz to me when you’re done.
  2. Finish and turn in:
    • Act 1 Vocab
    • “Who Am I?” Posters
  3. Help with Homecoming Decorations
  4. Remind me to pass back papers.

Homework: Enjoy your weekend. 🙂