CW – Friday, September 30th, 2016

Supplies: notebook, writing utensil, & BYOT

Daily Objective: LAFS.1112.RL.3.7: To learn how to understand and compose poetry.

Bell-Ringer: Free write. 🙂


  1. Write a third poem using a form of your choice. You can find various forms here: If you choose to do a shorter form like haiku, you will have to write more than one poem. You need to write at least ten lines. (And no, blank lines in between stanzas don’t count.) Choice poems are due today at the end of class.
  2. Next week, you will choose one of your three poems to critique. You will then copy it onto a nice piece of paper and illustrate it. This final copy will be a summative, due 10/7.

Upcoming Assignments:

  • Monday 10/3 & Tuesday 10/4 – Choose one of your three poems and share it with at least three classmates. Write two “What Works” comments: one comment on something that works and one comment on something that needs work. Tell the person you’re critiquing how they might fix it.
  • Wednesday, Thursday, & Friday 10/5-10/7 – Rewrite your chosen poem, making corrections. It needs proper grammar and spelling. Try to use specific details that evoke imagery.
    • Copy your final poem onto a piece of paper without lines and illustrate your subjects. It must look like you put effort into the final product. If you are not artistic, use a computer, print it out, and bring it in. Decorated Drafts are due Friday 10/7.
  • 10/10 to 10/19 – Publishing your work.
    • Choose one of the pieces you wrote this 9 weeks, and research a place to submit it for publication.
      • Choose a publication or contest.
        • Here are some specifically for high school students.
        • Here are others open to submissions.
      • Answer these on a piece of paper:
        • Why its this publication a good fit for your work? (Genre, length, topic, etc.)
        • Read an issue of the publication. Find a story or poem that is like yours. What is the title of the story/poem? Who is the author? How is it like yours?
        • This is due 10/12.
      • Polish your submission. Make it absolutely perfect. The better it is, the better your chance is to get published. Polished submissions are due to me 10/14.
      • Monday 10/17: Writing cover letters: due at the end of the period.
      • 10/18: After an okay from me, submit your work. Show me a proof of submission by 10/19. This is your last summative of this 9 weeks.


  1. The final draft of your story is PAST DUE.
  2. Sonnets are PAST DUE.

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